Payment for the prints can be made online by using your visa/mastercard. If you wish to use paypal, an additional charge of 6% will be levied.
The prints will be shipped to you within 2 weeks from the date of remittance of payment.
All prints are inspected and quality checked before shipping, the prints are packed in perfect condition and if the prints are found damaged on arrival, a dispute with the courier company shall be taken forth. If your prints arrives damaged, please email us photos of the damage caused within 24 hours of receiving your order.
Customs duty (wherever applicable) will have to be borne by the buyer.
If you're not happy with the prints you've purchased please courier them back to us within 14 days, for a full refund. The return shipping cost will have to borne by the buyer.
The copyright for the photographs in the prints rests with the photographer. It is a violation of copyright to copy, reproduce or distribute any images from the prints without a license agreement or written authorization from the holder of that copyright.