Each month, One Eyeland features a Photographer of the Month on our curated online photo gallery. This coveted award is given to photographers that have demonstrated the best collection of photographs in a wide range of genres. On average, 1 in 4 images make it on the One Eyeland gallery and following that submission process, the photographers showcase their finest work to be eligible for the award.
Take a look to see the current and previous winners of the Photographer of the Month and explore each image. These photographers have put in the time and effort to produce phenomenal images that have been hand selected by One Eyeland. As you look through the list of award winners, you will notice the information box on the left side of the images. You'll come across the photographers name, their website, email address and social profiles if you wish to connect with them.
Additionally, all the showcased work at One Eyeland can be sold as stock and is up to the photographer, where they will receive 100% of the proceeds. We also have series of ranked photographers that fall into three categories: Premium Members, Professionals and Amateur photographers. If you have any questions about of Photographer of the Month award, please contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you.