Aaron McGurk
Global Group Creative Director
Grey London
London, UK

Aaron doesn't enjoy the concept of writing about himself in third person but has accepted it is a necessary evil for this bio.

He has been working in advertising just over 20 years at agencies such as DDB London, adam&eveDDB and Wieden & Kennedy London across some of the world’s leading brands including Nike, Honda, adidas, Coca-Cola, VW, Financial Times and 3 Mobile.

Highlights include winning 'Ad Of The Year' at the One Show and Shots Awards for his Honda 'Hands' commercial, and making a music video for an energy company which got listed at number 3 of the Top 10 Music Videos Of The Year by Shots.

More recently, Aaron has been working as Global Group Creative Director (oooooh) at Grey London where he has been running the Pringles account producing work such as the 'Pringles NPC', 'The Pringles Sonic Chip', 'Multigran' and 'Synth Hamster’, winning awards at One Show, Cannes, Creative Circle and Campaign Big.

He has won over 80 awards across all the major advertising award shows, which is nice, but now he must stop writing in the third person as he is secretly enjoying it and doesn't want it to transition into his real life.


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