Anne Hoerter


Anne Mason-Hoerter is a Canadian photographer residing min Munich Germany. She experiments with the combining of multiple image scans and digital data in the areas of Food and Botanics.

A form of Hyper-collage in which a final image can contain over 100 single images. She was captivated very early on by extreme photographic manipulation techniques as a photographic student at the Ontario College of Art.

Still today, Anne is in a continual search for unconventional ways in which to present food and botanical subject matter.

Her images have been described, by many, as that of swaying between reality and surrealism. Her photographic imagery have won numerous international awards from across a variety of genres, especially in food advertising.


  • 2020
    Grand Prize 'One Shot Movement' - International
    Photography Awards, New York
    Pink Lady Food Photography Shortlist, London
  • 2019
    Germany's Top Still Life Photographer
    Nominee and Screening Artist at the Food Photography Festival, Vejle Denemark
    Grand Prize Commercial - PDN Taste Awards
    Award of Merit from Toronto Aids Society, Canada
    Gold - Food Advertising - Prix de la Photographie, Paris
  • 2018 Gold - Nature - Prix de la Photographie, Paris
    Gold - Food Advertising - Prix de la Photographie, Paris
    Silver - Food Advertising - International Photography Awards, New York
  • 2017
    PDN Taste Awards
    Gold - Nature - Prix de la Photographie, Paris
    Award of Excellence - Photographer's Forum Magazine
    Passporte Prize for Surreal Photography Honoring Man Ray
  • 2016
    Discovery of the Year Award Finalist - Advertising, New York
    International Photographer of the Year (non-pro)
    Advertising - International Photography Awards , New York
    1st Prize - Food Advertising - International Photography Awards, New York
    1st Prize - Nature - Prix de la Photographie, Paris
    1st Prize - Nature - Prix de la Photographie, Paris
    Award of Merit - AIDS Committee of Toronto


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