Arkadi Raskin was born in 1978, in St. Petersburg, former Soviet Union.

His family moved to Israel when he was 12 years old.

When he was 22 years old, after finishing his three years mandatory military service he travelled to India and Nepal. There he began to take pictures for the first time with a simple, fully automatic camera that he borrowed from his father. That camera broke down shortly after and was replaced by a semi professional manual Minolta he had bought in Katmandu.

"in India I realized that photography is like a magician. Despite the doubt we all have in it and the fact that we know that most of the time it is only a representation of reality, people want to believe a photo, in magic it holds being "real". I think that most of us still trust a photographed image as objective truth and in my work I always aim to keep some of that magic in every image even though it has to be as faithful as possible to the object or a service being photographed"

After returning back to Israel his interest in photography has grown and he took a basic photography and dark room course in "Camera Obscura", Tel Aviv.

"I remember working in gardening at that time and due to the physical effort involved in this type of work I used to fall asleep in the color darkroom since it was almost totally dark. I preferred working in black and white because of the red light that made it brighter and easier to stay awake."

In 2003 Arkadi began to study arts and education in "Beit Berl College of Arts" but after one year he quit and began four years program of B.ed in photography and education in "Wizo Academy of Design" where he graduated with excellence in 2008.

In 2009 he began practicing professional photography, first with a partner and later in 2016 as the sole owner of "Arkadi Raskin Photography" based in Tel Aviv, Israel.

From then and to the present day Arkadi has photographed for hundreds of local and international companies such as Landrover, Sodastream, Kodak, Mccan Israel and etc.

His studio provides professional services mostly in the fields of still life, corporate, architecture and food design photography for branding studios, advertising agencies, web designers, medium and big companies and business owners.


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