Carola Kayen-Mouthaan


My name is Carola Kayen-Mouthaan I live in The Netherlands

I am 51 years old and happily married and a mother of a great daughter of 28 and a great stepdaughter of 29.

I don’t have any education in photography.

I have my own studio at home.

I discovered my passion for photography in 2008, something I do for 12 years now with al lot of love and passion.

Since the beginning of 2016 I have discovered a new passion, Fine Art Photography because it has a lot of emotion, pure and old-fashioned feeling.

I like taking pictures that are differ from your standard photos, like a nude model with a real kaketoe or a nude cat. Or a girl painting herself I had also a real pony in my studio ones that wash a real challenge, I love to work with real animals they are always a challenge, I also had a skunk, snails, birds of prey, dogs, 6 naked cats in my studio I have a number of publications in various magazines.

I have won various prizes that I am very proud of I have also been giving workshops in Fine art photography myself for 2 years now.

For people in the Netherlands , Belgium and England I also give a seminar in England at the award weekend of The Guild of Photographer.

And in Belgium and Italy.

My pictures also hang at exebitions in Germany, Roma, Cape town, London, Amsterdam, Italy, Berlin and india.

I hope to take my photography all around the world and Touch a lot of peoples harts with my pictures.

I always say:

The beauty of a person is not on the outside but that comes from within, everyone is beautiful in his own way.


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