1. What is One Eyeland?

2. Why the name One Eyeland?

3. Who can join One Eyeland?

4. Who can view the images at One Eyeland?

5. Why join One Eyeland?

6. Why become a Registered Member?

7. Why become a Associate Member?

8. Why become a Premium Member?

9. Why Photo Reps must List in One Eyeland?

10. How useful is One Eyeland for Creative Directors, Art Directors and Ad Agencies?

11. Can one post any image in One Eyeland?

12. Image specifications for upload?

13. Why not allow Premium Members to select the images they post?

14. What is the image selection procedure of One Eyeland?

15. What if someone uploads a stolen image and passes it off as his?

16. How is the Picture of the Week selected?

17. How does the Ranking System work?

18. Is One Eyeland open to advertising tie-ups and sponsorship supports?

1. What is One Eyeland?
It's a community of the finest professional and amateur photographers on this planet. Top

2. Why the name One Eyeland?
What else would you call a place dedicated to people who use one eye to record any image for posterity? Top

3. Who can join One Eyeland?
One Eyeland is not just for photographers. It's for anyone with good taste and an eye for stunning images. That includes Art Directors, Creative Directors, Photo Reps, Photo Editors and even students. Top

4. Who can view the images at One Eyeland?
Four types of people can view images at One Eyeland: Guests, Members, Associate Members and Premium Members. Guests are unregistered members who just wish to check out the site. Registered Members are official citizens of One Eyeland with the power to upload and view images. Associate members can view enlarged images without banner ads. Premium Members are the select few with many more special privileges. Top

5. Why join One Eyeland?

  • One Eyeland is the only place on the web where you can view 13000 of the most creative images.

  • Over 36,000 photographers and photography lovers are our registered members.

  • One Eyeland has the highest of standards. Only 1 in 5 submitted images make it our gallery.

  • Only One Eyeland has a day-to-day ranking of professional and amateur photographers.

  • One Eyeland is perhaps the only credible international institution to name a 'Picture of the Day', 'Picture of the Week', 'Photographer of the Week' and 'Photographer of the Month'.


6. Why become a Registered Member?
Once you register at One Eyeland, you can expect the following:

  • You can upload any number of images.

  • You are eligible for the Photographer Ranking.

  • You can share your comments on any photograph


7. Why become a Associate Member?
An associate member enjoys all the privileges of a registered member and a lot more. The special privileges include:

  • You can view enlarged images of size 900px.

  • You can enjoy viewing images without the intrusion of Google Ads.


8. Why become a Premium Member?
A premium member enjoys all the privileges of a associate member and a lot more. The special privileges include:

  • Having your own personal showcase of 25 images which do not have to through the selection process.

  • You can shuffle, sort, edit and refresh these images at will.

  • You'll get your own personal homepage.

  • And your own biography, awards and articles page.

  • You can share your contact details to anyone who wishes to get in touch with you.

  • You can link your home page to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, Wordpress, Behance and Deviant Art

  • You can enjoy viewing images without the intrusion of Google Ads.

  • You can showcase your stock pictures separately.


9. Why Photo Reps must List in One Eyeland?

  • One Eyeland is the one place for the hottest talents in photography from six continents. Listing will help you attract the right talent.

  • Since quite a lot of advertisers and creative folks from ad agencies frequent One Eyeland, listing might help you snag assignments.

  • Listing doesn't cost you a cent.


10. How useful is One Eyeland for Creative Directors, Art Directors and Ad Agencies?

  • One Eyeland has the most inspiring online gallery of creative images.

  • Keeping track of the latest work of international photographers becomes a cinch.

  • You can pick and choose from photographers of different styles.

  • The ranking gives art directors a benchmark for judging the quality of the photographer.

  • You get stock pictures that you don't get to see elsewhere


11. Can one post any image in One Eyeland?
Yes, Registered, Associate Members and Premium Members can upload any number of images. But it will get featured in One Eyeland, if and only if, our jury likes it. Top

12. Image specifications for upload?

  • Image Dimensions: Greater or equal to 900 pixels

  • File Size: Smaller than 2MB

  • Color Profile: sRGB / Adobe RGB (1998)

  • Resolution: 72 dpi

  • Format: jpg

  • Do not add any watermarks or signatures to the images

  • No advertisements only photographs

  • Image has to be bleed without borders

  • Do not add 2 separate images in one artwork


13. Why not allow Premium Members to select the images they post?
One Eyeland is a meritocracy. While we have great respect for the work of our Premium Members, for the sake of consistent quality, our jury reserves the right to select the images for our Showcase. But Premium Members will enjoy the privilege of having their own Personal Gallery where they can upload up to 25 images of their choice. Top

14. What is the image selection procedure of One Eyeland?
Not all images you upload make it to One Eyeland. There is a rigorous filtration procedure that precedes the selection. We have a jury of photo editors. If your image gets the vote of approval then your image is deemed as selected. Top

15. What if someone uploads a stolen image and passes it off as his?
If our jury finds out that someone has taken credit for some one else's work, we will take down the image from One Eyeland. And we reserve the right to blacklist that person. Top

16. How is the Picture of the Week selected?
At the end of every week, our jury reviews all the submitted images. A vote is taken on the Top 8 picks. The Top 8 images are then dissected threadbare by the jury. The most fresh/memorable image is then anointed as the Picture of the Week. The choice is a function of the images under consideration. Some weeks, the quality of the images may be truly outstanding. Some other times, the pictures submitted may just be good enough. Top

17. How does the Ranking System work?
At One Eyeland, we have a simple principle: More the number of images selected, higher your ranking. As uploads happen by-the-hundreds everyday, the ranking varies almost on a day-to-day basis. Top

18. Is One Eyeland open to advertising tie-ups and sponsorship supports?
Yes, we are. If you have any proposal in mind, you could mail the same to Top

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