A regular member of Japan Advertising Photographer’s Association (APA)
HASEO has a policy to shoot in the field, not to composite his photographs in pursuing a genuine subject in his work.
The flowers used in his photographs are always fresh to capture a lasting beautiful moment of which will eventually decay.
Telling original stories and his own world of view, the pieces of his work including the photographic picture books widely attract fans. He has won many international awards.
His shooting and lighting lecture books have been becoming popular, which are supported by the logical shooting techniques taking the skull shape of models into account.

PLAYBOY Magazines (the first Japanese photographer to work with the United States and Mexico edition)
Serially published articles of photo techniques digital “Grace hunting of the Darkness King” (Genkosha, Japan)
“Ultimate method to shoot female attractively” (Genkosha, Japan)
“Photographic picture book of the Darkness King” (Genkosha, Japan)
“Ultimate Lighting Works: Lighting magic to shoot a beautiful portrait” (Genkosha, Japan)
“Japanese Beautiful Picture Scroll”(Genkosha, Japan)

Real Portrait Nagoya (Organizer)
Exhibition at Hivegallery, Garage gallery L.A. (Los Angeles)
2014-2018 Joint exhibition “The Darkness King” (Organizer)
2013 Exhibition ”Predators Of The City I”
2014 Exhibition ”Predators Of The City II”
2015 Exhibition ”Predators Of The City III” (Ricoh Imaging Square Shinjuku)
2016 Exhibition ”Predators Of The City IV”(Central Gallery, Nagoya)
2016 Exhibition “Mermaid”(FUJIFILM Photo Gallery Ginza/Jinbocho)
2016 Exhibition ”Predators Of The City V”(Olympus Gallery, Shinjuku)
2017 Exhibition “Predators Of The City Ⅵ” (Ricoh Imaging Square, Shinjuku)
2017 Exhibition “Predators Of The City Ⅶ” (Olympus Gallery, Osaka)
2018 Exhibition “Predators Of The City Ⅷ” (Central Gallery, Nagoya)
2018 Exhibition “Predators Of The City Ⅸ” (FUJIFILM SQUARE Gallery X, Roppongi)
2018 Exhibition “Predators Of The City X” (VenusFort, Odaiba)
2018 Exhibition “ANDANTE” (Shibuya Gallery, Ginza)
2018 Exhibition “FORTISSIMO” (FM Exhibition Salon, Ginza)
2018 Exhibition “fermata” (FM Exhibition Salon, Ginza)
2018 Exhibition “Predators Of The City XI” (FUJIFILM Photo Salon, Sapporo)
2018 Exhibition "Predators Of The City XⅡ"(FUJIFILM Photo Salon, Nagoya)
2018 Exhibition "NEO BAROQUE"(FLORE ArtistGallery, Kobe)
2018 Exhibition "Predators Of The City XⅢ"(FUJIFILM Photo Salon, Fukuoka)
2019 Exhibition “100 million beauty"(FUJIFILM Photo Salon, Osaka)
2019 Exhibition “100 million beauty" (FUJIFILM Imaging Plaza)


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