From a childhood fascination with the medium of photography to a reputation as one of the most consistent and respected landscape photographers in the industry, Ian Ely has been in pursuit of Mother Nature his entire life. Sometimes he gets there, sometimes not, but the one constant in this driven photographer's life is the motivation and spirit to keep trying.

At the age of 10, he funded the purchase of his first camera by selling magazines and the building blocks of what was to evolve into his brilliant career were set in place. It was around this time he also began collecting postcards from around the country, which fed his enthusiasm for the photographic landscape image and became a defining source of his childhood aspirations to become a professional. Ely still has that original boyhood postcard collection and now, many years later, has visited around 90% of the locations - capturing his own depiction of the places that instilled in him such a lasting connection with nature.

Without the luxury of digital technology, the young Ely spent all his chore money on film for his camera. At that time, every click of the shutter cost him, so this early training afforded him the discipline to develop his technique and attention to detail.

Never a man content to coast on the strength of his own accomplishments, Ely's intention is to open 20 galleries over the next decade, located in strategic sites throughout the USA. And, in typical Ian Ely style, to those who may think he "can't", his answer is always, "just watch me".

The art of landscape photography is a natural fit for Ely and his desire to share the deep connection he feels to the land with others is palpable. To those who view his work, it's clear the man behind a lens that captures such heartfelt and evocative images has something more than simply technique and talent at his disposal.

In the end it comes down to vision, determination and a desire to create a legacy, but Ian Ely chooses to sum up his life's work in a far more modest way. "We all have a job to do, and mine is to capture perfect moments".


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