ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER Photography came into my life in 1993 during my 1st year of applied arts in Lyon. It was a passion that I practised alongside my profession as an interior designer, which I started in 1999. In 2018, leaving everything behind and moving to Gaudeloupe, FWI 3 years of photographic wanderings with light and nature as my raw materials. My curiosity leads me to explore very eclectic artistic fields through different photographic techniques. At the end of 2021, I\'ll be back in mainland France with 6 major collections, each comprising 1 or 2 series. I\'m expanding my knowledge, getting involved and sharing my values and convictions. Protecting nature, the animal cause, the unvarnished expression of emotions. My contemporary series «Abrasion», mixed media, photography and digital art is about extracting the colours from the spectrum of white light by settings camera, in different places and at different times of the year. A colourist\'s eye, inspired by the sensitivity of the Fauvist school and the technicality of Newton. Makink the invisible visible. This series is available as a four-colour print on transparent plexiglass in a 60 x 90 format. Numbered prints. Limited to 5 copies. This contemporary medium, which faithfully reproduces the colours and luminosity captured through the lenses of my camera , itself becomes an additional lens, adding a slight depth to the image. Light and its colours, captured through a succession of lenses, in which the diaphragm of the viewer\'s eye becomes the ultimate actor. Also committed to the animal cause, my «Endangered Species» series highlights wild animals that are victims of trafficking and mistreatment. All the animals photographed were taken in by the association Tonga Terre d\'Accueil, which I support through my work. I donate a 10% commission on the sale of my prints to the charity. My discovery of the Caravaggesque school during my studies had a major impact on my visual language. The chiaroscuro achieved by adjusting the camera body is like an oxymoron, An oxymoron, underlining the precarious and fragile existence of animal species that are symbols of strength and power, and are now on the verge of extinction.


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