Patrizia Burra is a Master Qualified European Photographer AWARDS 2013/2022 TIFA AWARDS: Gold Award + Three Honorable Mentions 2022. WPI AWARDS 2022 : First Prize Cat. Creative photomanipulation + Second Prize Cat. Creative photomanipulation + 3 Bronze Awards CROMATIC PHOTO Awards 2022 : Honorable mention. WPE AWARDS 2022 : Third Prize Cat. Storytelling with collages + 8 Silver Awards + 2 Bronze Awards IPA PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2022 Three Honorable Mentions + 4 Official Selections. BIFA Awards 2022 : Two BronzeAwards WPE AWARDS 2022 : Third Prize Cat. Storytelling with collages + 8 Silver Awards + 2 Bronze Awards BLACK AND WHITE SPIDERS AWARDS 2022 : Third Place in the Fashion category + 3 Nominations Cat. Fine Art anf Fashion ONEEYELAND 2022 Top 10 Portrait Photo Awards :Top10 Two Silver Awards. IPA ONE COLOR : Two Honorable mentions + Top 5 Jury selection!!!!! WPE AWARDS:Five Silvers Awards and two Bronze Awards-First Master in Italy. ONEEYELAND 2022 :Top100. FEP AWARDS 2022 :Golden Camera + Excellence Award + 2 Distinction Awards. WPC PHOTOGRAPHIC CUP AWARDS 2022: Golden Camera. MOTIFECOLLECTIVE AWARDS 2022: 2nd Place. EPA AWARDS 2022: 3rd Place + 3 Gold Medals. FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2022 : 3rd Place Winner. WPI 2022 first half : 1st place + Bronze award. FIIPA AWARDS 2022: Gold Medal + Silver Medal + Bronze Medal + Merit Award 2022. TRIEREMBERG SUPER CIRCUIT: Bronze Medal cat. Experimental Photography 2022. EPA AWARDS EUROPE: 1st Prize in cat. Digital Art + 1st Prize cat. Illustration 2022. MASTER PHOTOGRAPHERS INTERNATIONAL AWARDS : Bronze Award 2022. EPA AWARDS EUROPE: 1st Prize in cat. Digital Art + 1st Prize cat. Illustration 2022. MASTER PHOTOGRAPHERS INTERNATIONAL AWARDS : Bronze Award 2022. EPA AWARDS EUROPE: 1st Prize in cat. Digital Art + 1st Prize cat. Illustration 2022. MASTER PHOTOGRAPHERS INTERNATIONAL AWARDS : Bronze Award 2022. EPA AWARDS EUROPE: 1st Prize in cat. Digital Art + 1st Prize cat. Illustration 2022. MASTER PHOTOGRAPHERS INTERNATIONAL AWARDS : Bronze Award 2022. WPE AWARDS EUROPE: 3rd Place in cat. Portrait Creative + 1 Gold award + 5 Silver Awards + ! Bronze Award 2021. TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FOTO AWARDS: Honorable Mention 2021. CHROMATIC PHOTO AWARDS : Second Prize Cat. Manipulation. 2021. MASTER PHOTOGRAPHER INTERNATIONAL AWARDS : Bronze Award. 2021. NEW YORK PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS : GOLD WINNER 2021. BUDAPEST INTERNATIONAL PHOTO AWARDS 2021 : 1 Gold Award - 1 Silver Award - 1 Bronze Award - 1 Honorable Mention. WPC 2022 : CAT. ILLUSTRAION/DIGITAL ART SCATTIAMO PER L\'ITALIA 2022 : TOP 10 CAT COMMERCIAL and CAT. ILLUSTRAION/DIGITAL ART. ONEEYELAND FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS : Top 10 Fine Art Photographers + Two Gold Winners 2021. MOTIF COLLECTIVE AWARDS : Second Place 2021. ONEEYELAND PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS : Gold Winner - World\'s Top 10 Black & White Photographers 2021. IPA PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS : Three Honorable Mention 2021. PX3 Paris Photography Prize : Honorable Mention 2021. Siena Creative Photo Award Two commended awa


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