Peter Svoboda, Master QEP titleholder, a member of FEP ( Federation of European Photographers) and APFSR( Association of Slovak Professional Photographers) I was born and live in a beautiful historical city of Kosice, Slovakia. I graduated from Medical University. Since my youth age I was interested in art, in its various genres. Many years ago was studying also at art school where we focused on drawing and painting. I loved especially to paint oils on canvas. Besides that, I started to discover the magic of the darkroom and started to shoot on BW film and transparent. Later on, I 've been taking pictures on digital. I soon realized that photography will be that wonderful and exciting journey for me. I am an outdoor type of person and I am spending most of my leisure activities in nature. Especially mountain biking, running, hiking and ski mountaineering. Since a teenager I have taken photographs, starting with capture on transparency at first, using B&W films and more recently enjoying digital capture for its benefits. I consider myself as a landscape photographer, searching for those special moments and moods. My relationship to nature and mountains stands behind most of my photographs, spending there a lot of time with my camera. I love to compose the man into the frame to emphasize the human respect to nature and mountains and to show how small here we are. I love minimalism in photography. I often try to compose my shots this way. My intention is to get not a complex, just easy to read, atmospheric and impressive pictures. Those are the shots I am satisfied with. Such a picture with a mood or story has a value for me at any time I take it. I won many of international awards, my work was exhibited in galleries and published in well-known magazines: around the Globe.


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