Canon's 250 Mp Sensor

Photography News - Canon's 250 Mp Sensor A camera prototype equipped with the Canon CMOS 250mp sensor
A camera prototype equipped with the Canon CMOS 250mp sensor

10-Sep-2015 10754

Hardly a couple of months after Canon announced its ME20F-SH (2.26 Mega pixel) with its incredible light sensitivity (ISO 4000,000) and large pixel pitch sensor (19 ?m), Canon has looked the other way and has announced its APS-H CMOS sensor with approximately 250 mega pixels. APS-H is a brand new format dimensionally in between the classic APS-C (16.7mm x 25mm) and the full frame (24mm x 36mm).

Yes ! You heard it right. It is 250 megapixels on a sensor size 20.2mm x 29.2 mm, making it the densest CMOS sensor ever made and a world first ! If one could pack half a million squares in an area of one square millimetre, that would be the density we are inferring to in this new Canon sensor.

The Canon website remarks "When installed in a camera, the newly developed sensor was able to capture images enabling the distinguishing of lettering on the side of an airplane flying at a distance of approximately 18 km from the shooting location."

One would expect that such a dense sensor would amplify noise and suffer high signal volume and signal delays. But Canon's newest technologies makes it possible to achieve a ultra-high signal readout speed of 1.25 billions per second. Advanced Circuit miniaturization and a brand new Image processing Engine are behind the heart of this high speed Goliath. Canon's cumulative experience in manufacturing cameras with CMOS sensors has played a critical role in the development of this Mega Sensor and the Electronics that drives it. Not to mention the high-sensitivity , low noise imaging possibilities and Detail gathering lenses that canon has been researching for a couple of decades now.

The video footage that the new sensor can capture is approximately 125 times that of 1920x1080 and 30 times as resolving as 4K (3840 x 2160). This huge resolution allows for cropping and magnifying the frame without sacrificing resolution or detail. At full resolution, A camera outfitted with this sensor can capture five frames/second.

No doubt, there will be photography buffs who will want to buy and use this camera and there is no doubt, the camera that Canon finally places on the shelf will have all the features that people will look for. An extended dynamic range, Perhaps ...? Canon will probably market this camera in the areas of Surveillance (where a high zoom rate is needed), Industry, Heritage Photography, Forensic Science and of course, to the very rich and willing Pictorial Artist.

It certainly does look the sleeping giant has awakened ! After many years of hibernation, silently witnessing its competitors stepping on their feet, It should be exciting to see Canon's final product with this Mega Pixel wonder !

//  Via CANON  //


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