Priscilla Vezzit Ferreira – Transcendental Art
Art is an instrument of expression and communication. Through colors, shadows and contrasts, we share thoughts, causes and feelings. Awakening consciences, generating controversies, creating impact. In a widespread, globalized world, where appearance and perception are worth more than deed and fact, Art imposes itself as the cry of the gagged, revealing what every human being has inside: fears, dreams and loves. A painting is much more than an object. It is the translation into an image of what we admire, what we learn and what we didn't even know we felt.
This synthesis is what visual artist Priscilla Vezzit brings us on her arrival in the Artistic Universe, with an irresistible shine and enormous impact. Her work reconciles form, technique and content in a way it’s simply impossible for us to remain indifferent. Self-taught, Priscilla knew early in life that she would follow the artistic path. The long journey that started in Brazil, continued with a Portuguese stage until she reached France, where she now resides. Mastering the mysteries of Photography and working with Tourism, Priscilla traveled around the world masterfully recording the landscapes of every country she visited. After portraying the world, she arrived at Digital Art. And now she creates her own images, which already promise countless tours around the world, anticipated by the enormous curiosity of the public who discovers her on the Internet.
Her works are characterized by colors, sometimes vibrant, sometimes translucent, and a strong presence of the feminine theme. But there is something else. More than “beautiful” or striking images, there is always a message, an emotional content that reflects Priscilla's own convictions. There are the love of Nature and the reflection of the human condition. In a dreamlike atmosphere, created around the human figure, she takes the observer to the border between dream and reality.
The experience of this search for new lands, cultures and techniques reflects an early maturity. It is interesting to note that butterflies appear in her compositions from time to time. From Egypt to Dalí, butterflies have been present as a symbol of beauty, but more than that, of immortality, rebirth, transformation and evolution. A metaphor for us to also move from our “caterpillar” phase to a “butterfly” phase. Priscilla Vezzit Ferreira, with her images, gives us wings and invites us to higher flights.
In her own art, which is, above all, transcendental.

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