Vinícius Malinoski
Chief Creative Officer
Talent Marcel
São Paulo, Brazil

Whether in marketing, tech platforms, or creative agencies, I have always used creativity to solve problems in an unseen way, resulting in unseen results. I have specialised in technology, content, and entertainment because these are innovative areas where I could test the boundaries. After 23 years and very distinct experiences, I consider myself a creative marketing executive with multiple sides and capabilities. As a people leader, I use creativity to help my team be more inspired, effective, and achieve its best performance. As an executive, I use creativity to think of new services, processes, and strategies that can help my company grow. As a consultant, I use creativity to help my clients impact the culture and thus have greater brand and business results. As a human being, I use creativity to accelerate diversity, inclusion, and sustainability while having fun with incredible human beings. As a musician in my spare time, I use creativity to express myself in a deeper way, free of commercial goals. I absolutely love what I do and all the enlightened human beings I get to know on my journey.


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