William Preite


I am William Preite, i was born in 1986 and i live in Vicenza, North Italy.

Back in 2011 i realize that i am looking for something that i did not yet know, perhaps tired of routine and cities, i decide to embark on a journey that will change my life, i decide to leave alone and blindly in the distant land of the kangaroos, Australia.

In that unknown land i find myself embarking on adventures that i previously only saw in documentaries, among deserts, tropical forests, canyons and paradisiacal beaches i begin to feel a deep love for wild nature.

In 2016, after having crossed the entire continent twice, the need arose in me to photographically immortalize natural landscapes, so i started to approach digital photography.

Once back in Italy, i immediately noticed something different, no more infinite horizons, deserts as far as the eye can see and immense oceans, but there was something at the horizon, huge, the mountains! Great was my love at first sight, even though they had always been there, i had to live in the middle of the desert for years before i could appreciate their true majesty.

From then on, it was all about climbing, sunrises, sunsets at high altitudes, winter camping below zero, anything to capture the panoramic beauty from up there!

Every time it is a challenge, heavy backpacks on the back, long rocky paths, waking up in the middle of the night to reach the peaks, all based on passion, effort and respect towards the mountains. I find myself exploring the Alps, famous all over the world, here i meet many people and photographers who will also become great friends with whom i often share my adventures!

In fact, for me photography is not really the final goal, though i love it, but a means to stay in contact with the wilderness, to live new experiences and explore enchanting places, and why not, take home a memory photo to share with all of you!


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