The All New Hasselblad 6D-100c joins the Cosmic Detail Chase

Photography News - The All New Hasselblad 6D-100c joins the Cosmic Detail Chase

18-Apr-2016 6932

Technology and Detail came together in October 2006 (Photokina) with Hasselblad's launch of the H3d camera with a 48mmx36mm sensor and a whole new line-up of lenses. The world saw for the first time, images from a 28mm genuine wide angle on Hasselblad's 'full frame 48mm" digital SLR. But the story was different then.

Photographers, who were dissatisfied with the Image dimensions, Quality, and Flexibility of the 35mm DSLR system clearly saw a head on advantage in investing and using the Hassy H3d. Ease of use, more and better creative opportunities, superior image quality reigned with the then new Hassy 48x36. Also, the easy handhold ability and ergonomics was a big Plus point compared to the clunkiness of the competitor's cameras. From experience, it was apparent to Photographers and Agencies, that medium format DSLR had a clear and an unquestionable advantage over the 35mm DSLR.

Perhaps this camera can be identified with Victor Hasselblad's entrepreneurial vision which made early launches such as the Hasselblad V, C, SWC, FCW, and lenses all Iconic. In a sense, nurturing World Camera History. The Hasselblad went to the moon ! It also provided a way of creative and physical sustenance to tens of thousands of photographers worldwide.

The new Hasselblad 6D seems to have been born in the same spirit as the 3D, somewhat incubated and launched a few months later than the competition. Everything about the Hasselblad 6D is different compared to its predecessors. Of course, Survival of the Fittest ensures they have a cracking megapixel sensor either a 50Mp or a 100Mp (53.4mm x 40mm sensor) for someone who want to rake in the details.(CMOS)

Unlike 2006, the medium format race tracks are not populated with 35mm DSLR s, which were the mainstay in most photographers' arsenal. Now, the race is about finesse...that perfect image...capabilities...widest dynamic range... immaculate detail...high ISO performance...safer and faster data capabilities...touch screens with improved display performance...lens

On all these points, the Hasselblad 6D has come to stay. Either a 50Mp option or a 100 Mp (Sony Sensor) one which ensures 100% view on the 24mm ultra wide angle. Hasselblad's Natural Color Solution gives that unique 'Hasselblad' look and feel to every image. Luminous, Detailed, Optimal, full-toned natural color captures.


At a price which is $15,000 less than its competitors for the same sensor/specs.

Full transparency on prices on the Hasselblad website for trade-ins. (This is an Industry First which we hope the other players will follow).

//  Via HASSELBLAD  //


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